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GO Befriend

Program Overview

The Befriending Programme pairs volunteers with individuals seeking companionship, creating opportunities for social interaction, shared experiences and community engagement. Through regular one-one meeting our befrienders help participants build confidence, develop social skills and explore their community.

  1. We aim to achieve positive outcomes in various aspects of participants lives:
  2. Reduce isolation: Decreasing feelings of loneliness and increasing social connections
  3. Improve Mental Health: Enhancing overall wellbeing through regular social interactions and emotional support
  4. Increases Confidence: Building self-esteem through positive interactions.
  5. Community Integration: Encouraging greater involvement in local activities and events
  6. Enhanced Independence: supporting individuals to try new experiences and developing life skills
  7. Broadened Horizons: Exposing participants to new ideas, activities and perspectives.
  8. Mutual Leasing: Fostering understanding and respect between diverse members of the community.
  9. Improved Quality of life: Contributing to overall life satisfaction through meaningful relationships

The programme reflects commitment to promoting Independence, Fairness, Respect, and Freedom of Choice. We ensure that each befriending relationship is unique and tailored to the individuals needs and aspirations.

Joining our Befriending Programme: Whether you’re looking for a befriender or interested in volunteering as one, we invite you to get involved with our befriending programme. Together we can build a more connected and inclusive community where everyone can form meaningful relationships and live a life full of purpose and possibilities. If you fancy being a befriender volunteer contact (can we link to the volunteer button)

Skills You'll Need to become a Befriender

There are many qualities and characteristics that create a strong and valuable befriender. We are looking for volunteers who are:

  1. Interested in other people
  2. Good Listeners
  3. Understand how a learning disability can impact life
  4. Able to approach new people without prejudice
  5. Honest and Trustworthy
  6. Committed and Reliable
  7. Respectful of Confidentiality
  8. Empathetic and Compassionate
  9. Professional in their approach
  10. Able to offer a caring and understanding presence
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