Grampian Opportunities - Empowering people to find their way forward Grampian Opportunities Logo

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Go To Work


Health & wellbeing, safety, activity involvement, building resect responsibility and working towards personal fulfilment through the world of work or volunteering within in the community. Press Me
Go Art


Include achieving something, freedom of expression, increased confidence, building skills, engagement with others in a positive friendly and welcoming environment. Press Me
Go Befriend


Reduced isolation, improved mental health, increased confidence, community integration, improved quality of life, independence. Press Me
Go Forward


Health & wellbeing, safety, relationships, activity and involvement, respect, personal achievement, responsibility and improved independence through various learning activities in a safe environment. Press Me
Go Social


Relationships, activity, involvement in the community and improved health & wellbeing. Through a variety of social activities in a safe environment. Press Me
Go Therapy


Increased and improved mental health & emotional wellbeing. Connecting with others, sense of peace, increased levels of productivity, improved communication and social relationships. In a relaxed and friendly environment. Press Me


Full understanding of all 4 options, full preparation for assessment including a first draft support plan outlining your outcomes. Peer support groups with respite activities. Press Me
Grampian Opportinuties
Contact us directly: Press Me


Tue 13/08/24, 4:00pm to Wed 13/08/25, 8:00pm

Self Directed Support

Self Directed Support

Calling all carers, guardians and families. What do you know about SDS? Do you have a package? Are...

Event Details

Wed 30/10/24, 11:30am to Wed 11/12/24, 11:00am

Community Winter Cafe

Community Winter Cafe

Open to all the communityCome along to Grampian Opportunities Community Winter Cafe, enjoy a warm...

Event Details

Thu 14/11/24, 10:30am to Thu 19/12/24, 10:30am

Create a Mini Zen sand Garden

Create a Mini Zen sand Garden

Create a mini Zen sand gardenBeneficial in reducing anxiety and stress and in practising...

Event Details

Mon 25/11/24, 1:00pm to Mon 16/12/24, 1:00pm

Doodle art and Bollywood style chair exercise

Doodle art and Bollywood style chair exercise

Doodle art and Bollywood style chair exerciseA series of 8 sessionsDoodling is beneficial for many...

Event Details

Partners and funders

Acorn Centre Logo Tekserv Logo Inspiring Scotland Logo Baird's Joinery Ltd Logo GJL Services Logo
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